M2o launch event

Mobility2o’s conference presentation was a success

High turnout and speeches of great interest have characterized the day.

Tuesday 31 January, the conference presentation of the Consortium Mobility2o took place in Rome at Elis, which also hosted the panel “A snapshot of a Country in Journey toward the Digitalization through 5 Strategic Sectors”, with the patronage of the Ministry of Environment.


After the initial greetings from Pietro Cum, Elis General Manager, and Piergiorgio Covili, M2o Honorary Chairman, Lucia Tranquilli, M2o Chairman, explained that Mobility2o Consortium was created by a team of professionals who, for several years, work into the transports, environment and energy sectors, with the aim to detect the needs on the territory by sharing knowledge on five pillars: transports, logistics, mobility, environment and energy.

Also of great importance the successive speeches, which gave space to the two partners of the initiative: Elis and Istituto Piepoli. Ugo Papagni, Institutional Relations and social Project for Elis, explained that Elis will provide its students for the initiative and, by intercepting the needs of the companies within the panels proposed by the Consortium, “will offer specialized training to the students based on the real job market requests”. Then it was the turn of Livio Gigliuto, Istituto Piepoli, who presented the results of a survey conducted purposely for the event, about the perception of the idea of the digitalization by the Italian population, regarding Transports, Energy, Logistics, Mobility and Environment sectors. Some very interesting data emerged, such as the perception of the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization or which online services are the most appreciated by the users. (For further information download the presentation of the Piepoli’s Report).


Then, to get straight to the heart of the objectives of the Consortium M2o was Carlo Iacovini, TELMA Lab Executive Director, who explained that the purpose is to “create value in terms of innovation, actively involving all business, associative, public, private and scientific realities”.

Outstanding representatives of the world of Transports, Energy, Logistics, Mobility and Environment (Carlo Maria Medaglia, President Roma Mobility Services, Daniel Giannetti, Research Department GSE, Luigi Contestabile, Head of Sustainable Mobility of Trenitalia, Anna Donati, Head of Mobility Group of Kyoto Club and Fabio Pressi, Managing Director Infoblu), moderated by Carlo Tosti, Chairman of TELMA Lab Board, discussed about the theme of the “industry 4.0”, in the panel called A snapshot of a Country in Journey toward the Digitalization through 5 Strategic Sectors, clearly bringing out how the digitalization is a transversal theme to the five sectors and that only with a synergistic and homogeneous treatment of this sectors it is possible to promote a full comprehension of the scenarios that are emerging.


For further informations it is possible to contact Celeste Tosti, TELMA Lab Manager: celeste.tosti@mobility2o.it – cell. +39 393 1962800.

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